Agenda Item 2
Date of meeting: 22 June 2022
Report of: Executive Director Governance People & Resources
Contact Officer: Anthony Soyinka
Ward(s) affected: All
1. Action required of the Strategy Finance & City Regeneration committee:
To receive the minutes extract and note the decisions taken by the Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee held on 30 March 2023.
Brighton & Hove City Council
Policy & Resources Urgency Sub-Committee
11.00am 30 March 2023
Hove Town Hall
Present: Councillors Mac Cafferty and Allcock |
1 Procedural Matters
(a) Declarations of Substitutes
1.1 There were no substitutions.
(b) Declarations of Interest
1.2 There were no declarations of interest.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public
1.3 The Sub-Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any of the items listed on the agenda.
1.4 RESOLVED: There were no Part Two items on the agenda and so the press and public would not be excluded during the meeting.
2 Hangleton and Knoll Community Youth Project - Youth Investment Fund Grant
2.1 The Sub-Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture and the Executive Director Families, Children & Learning regarding the Hangleton and Knoll Community Youth Project.
2.2 In response to a question the lawyer advised that the Letter of Comfort from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) was not legally binding. Members were being asked to give delegated authority to the Chief Executive and Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture and the Executive Director of Families, Children and Learning to enter into a capital agreement which was still to be drafted.
2.3 Members asked if the freehold would be retained by the Council, and if so, how long the lease would be. Officers confirmed that the Council would have the freehold and whilst the lease was still to be negotiated it would be up to 25 years.
2.4 Members asked for more information on the consultation process. Officers advised that the three ward councillors had been consulted and were in support of the proposal, in November 2022 three hundred flyers had been delivered to local houses, information had been provided in local newsletters and Facebook groups, an evening meeting had been arranged for local residents, and discussions had been held with the local bowls club who were agreeable to giving up part of their land to accommodate the project. A planning application had been submitted with a decision expected at the end of April.
2.5 RESOLVED: That the Urgency Sub-Committee:
(i) Agreed to proceed with the Hangleton and Knoll Community Youth Project - Youth Investment Fund grant for the provision of a new modular building in Knoll Park.
(ii) Delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Finance Officer to enter into agreement with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport to accept a capital grant of £776,500 for the provision of a modular building for the provision of Youth Services.
(iii) Delegated authority for the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture, in consultation with the Executive Director of Families, Children and Learning, to enter into contracts for the delivery of a new modular building provided for Youth Services and to enter into a lease with the Hangleton and Knoll Community Youth Project once the building is complete.
(iv) Noted that this is subject to the successful conclusion of negotiations with Department of Culture, Media and Sport and Hangleton and Knoll Youth Project on the contracting, funding and capital build contracting arrangements, as well as the revenue support from government for subsequent use of the building.
The meeting concluded at 11.45am